
An RGB Method for 6D Object Pose Estimation


Autonomous robot manipulation involves estimating the translation and orientation of the object to be manipulated as a 6-degree-of-freedom (6D) pose. Methods using RGBD data have shown great success in solving this problem. However, there are situations where cost constraints or the working environment may limit the use of RGB-D sensors. When limited to monocular camera data only, the problem of object pose estimation is very challenging. In this work, we introduce a novel method called SilhoNet that predicts 6D object pose from monocular images. We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) pipeline that takes in region of interest (ROI) proposals to simultaneously predict an intermediate silhouette representation for objects with an associated occlusion mask and a 3D translation vector. The 3D orientation is then regressed from the predicted silhouettes. We show that our method achieves better overall performance on the YCB-Video dataset than two state-of-the art networks for 6D pose estimation from monocular image input.


Adaptation of A ROI Based Object Pose Estimation Network to Monocular Fisheye Images


There has been much recent interest in deep learning methods for monocular image based object pose estimation. While object pose estimation is an important problem for autonomous robot interaction with the physical world, and the application space for monocular-based methods is expansive, there has been little work on applying these methods with fisheye imaging systems. Also, little exists in the way of annotated fisheye image datasets on which these methods can be developed and tested. The research landscape is even more sparse for object detection methods applied in the underwater domain, fisheye image based or otherwise. In this work, we present a novel framework for adapting a ROI-based 6D object pose estimation method to work on full fisheye images. The method incorporates the gnomic projection of regions of interest from an intermediate spherical image representation to correct for the fisheye distortions. Further, we contribute a fisheye image dataset, called UWHandles, collected in natural underwater environments, with 6D object pose and 2D bounding box annotations.